
Corrective Optics

Robtics | Correction OpticsCorrective optics may sometimes be required to resolve specific optical abberations of mirrors or lenses.

Every refractor has a curved focal field and because the chip of a camera is flat, for good astrophotography the focal field must be flattened. This is achieved with a so-called Field Flattener.

Every reflactor suffers from coma to a greater or lesser extent. This is the optical effect in which stars closer to the edge are no longer pinpoints, but rather resemble comets. This can be solved with a Coma Corrector.

With a Focal Reducer, the focal point of a telescope can be shortened. As a result, photographic exposure is shorter and certain objects fits better into the field of view. Field Flatteners and Coma Correctors can sometimes also be a Focal Reducer.

The focal point of a telescope can be extended with the help of an Extender. This can be useful for increasing the magnification and correcting various optical errors.

Astigmatism of the eye can be compensated with Dioptrx from TeleVue.

A SCT telescope can be converted into a very fast photographic system with the help of a HyperStar.

Adaptive Optics can be used to minimize disturbing seeing effects during high resolution photography.

Can't find what you are looking for or need help selecting the most suitable correction optics for you? Contact Robtics! We are happy to help you!

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