

Robtics | Cooling devicesA telescope looks at celestial bodies and at the same time it is looking through a thick layer of air. Unfortunately we do not have much influence on the quality of the air. What we can influence is the quality of the air in the telescope itself.

This quality and in particular the temperature of the air has a major influence on the quality of the image produced by the telescope. You can compare this effect with the vortices above an asphalt road on a hot summer day. A telescope only performs optimally when the optics of the telescope have cooled to ambient temperature. As a result, the temperature differences between the air and the glass of the telescope are eliminated and warm air flow coming from the optic does no longer disturb the image.

In order to allow the optics, not to mention the air in the telescope tube, to cool down faster, a specially suitable cooling system can be used. These cooling devices allow cooler outside air to circulate through the telescope tube. This causes the telescope tube including optics to be much faster at ambient temperature resulting you to be able to start the observation session earlier!

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